At Enzoey, our aim is to provide 100% satisfaction to our customers. If for any reason you wish to cancel the order, we are here to help. You will be able to cancel product(s) from your order in multiple ways on, namely: |
1. Order Level Cancellation |
2. Product Level Cancellation |
3. Shipment Level Cancellation |
4. Combo Cancellation |
5. Assembly Service Cancellation |
Post successful cancellation, refunds would be provided as per applicability. For detailed information, please refer to the REFUNDS section under this policy. |
You can cancel your order online, before the product(s) inside the order has been shipped. Applicable refund against the cancelled order will be credited to your Enzoey Cash Wallet, which can be further used during your next purchase with us or may be transferred to your respective bank / card / wallet by logging into your Enzoey Account (further Refund related details are provided below). |
In case, even a single product of the order has been shipped, you will not be able to cancel the order (in such cases, user would have to cancel an individual product or complete shipment). |
In case, the order contains product(s) such as Guaranteed Savings Offer, Gift Certificate or Digital Products, order level cancellation will not be applicable. |
You can cancel the product online,before the product(s) inside the order has been shipped. Applicable refund against the cancelled product will be credited to your Enzoey Cash Wallet, which can be further used during your next purchase with us or may be transferred to your respective bank / card / wallet by logging into your Enzoey Account (further Refund related details are provided below). |
In case, the product has been shipped, you will not be able to cancel individual product (complete shipment would get cancelled in this case). |
For product(s) such as Guaranteed Savings Offer, Gift Certificate, Gift Wrap and Digital Products cancellation will not be allowed. |
With the cancellation of last product in the order, 'Gift Wrap' would automatically get cancelled. |
As a part of cart offer or any other discount offer, if a user has purchased one product along with another product, and during cancellation of same, all the products purchased through same cart offer would get cancelled. |
For product(s) purchased through specific cart offer or any other discount offer inside the order, if any one of the product gets delivered to the user, then cancellation will not be applicable for all the other products tagged under same cart offer. |
You can cancel the shipment online, after the product(s) inside the order has been shipped. Applicable refund against the cancelled shipment will be credited to your Enzoey Cash Wallet, which can be further used during your next purchase with us or may be transferred to your respective bank / card / wallet by logging into your Enzoey Account (further Refund related details are provided below). |
In case, the product has been shipped, you will not be able to cancel individual product, as complete shipment / package would get cancelled. |
In case, user tries to cancel a product which has already been shipped, all the products which are part of same shipment / package will get cancelled. |
Cancellation will not be applicable for all the respective products which are part of shipment / package, if the shipment / package is out for delivery. |
If the product(s) are shipped through India Post delivery service, cancellation will not be applicable for all the respective product(s) which are part of the shipment / package. |
You can cancel the combo online, through 'Cancel' link provided against specific combo on order details page. Applicable refund against the cancelled combo will be credited to your Enzoey Cash Wallet, which can be further used during your next purchase with us or may be transferred to your respective bank / card / wallet by logging into your Enzoey Account (further Refund related details are provided below). |
Cancellation at combo level will result in the cancellation of the entire combo. |
Partial cancellation at product level (inside combo) is not applicable and will not be allowed. |
For product(s) which are part of specific combo inside the order, if any one of the product gets delivered to the user, then cancellation will not be applicable for rest of the product(s) which are part of that combo. |
In case, single or multiple product(s) which are part of specific combo, get shipped through India Post delivery service, then cancellation at complete combo level would not be applicable. |
There may arise certain scenarios wherein it might not be possible for us to accept and complete an order / product(s) inside an order and we may have to cancel same. Some situations that may result in your order being cancelled include limitations on quantities available for purchase, inaccuracies or errors in product or pricing information, or problems identified by our credit and fraud avoidance department. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order for any reason at our sole discretion. Therefore, for product(s) which are part of a specific combo inside the order, if any one of the product is cancelled due to above mentioned situations, the user will not be able to initiate cancellation request for the rest of the product(s) which are part of that combo (applicable refund against the cancelled combo product(s) will be credited to your Enzoey Cash Wallet). |
You can cancel the assembly service online, through 'Cancel' link provided against specific assembly service on order details page. Applicable refund against the cancelled assembly service will be credited to your Enzoey Cash Wallet, which can be further used during your next purchase with us or may be transferred to your respective bank / card / wallet by logging into your Enzoey Account (further Refund related details are provided below). |
Cancellation against assembly service will not be applicable if the status of the assembly service is already cancelled or closed. |
If a user has initiated cancellation request for the product against which assembly service was purchased, assembly service too will be cancelled and cumulative amount of Product and Assembly Service will be credited to the user's Enzoey Wallet. |