This exquisite flower arrangement seamlessly combines carnation purple, pristine white roses, delightful spray carnations, ethereal limonium, vibrant aster, shimmering solodigo golden sticks, cheerful yellow button daisies, rustic wheat strands, aromatic kamini, and lush oasis, all elegantly presented in a stylish tray. The harmonious blend of colors, textures, and fragrances creates a symphony for the senses. It's the perfect embodiment of nature's beauty and grace, making it an impeccable gift to make your loved ones feel cherished and special on any occasion. Every bloom tells a story of love, care, and warmth.
FB59This exquisite flower arrangement seamlessly combines carnation purple, pristine white roses, delightful spray carnations, ethereal limonium, vibrant aster, shimmering solodigo golden sticks, cheerful yellow button daisies, rustic wheat strands, aromatic kamini, and lush oasis, all elegantly presented in a stylish tray. The harmonious blend of colors, textures, and fragrances creates a symphony for the senses. It's the perfect embodiment of nature's beauty and grace, making it an impeccable gift to make your loved ones feel cherished and special on any occasion. Every bloom tells a story of love, care, and warmth.
Shop no 5, Nilgiri Apt, Opp Vanvihar Garden, Near Om Shanti Circle, Devidas Road, Borivali West Mumbai - MH email - [email protected]
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400091, IN
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