In a glorious arrangement, the jumelia roses, orange roses, alstroemeria, spray carnations, and mokara orchids converge, creating a captivating symphony of colors and allure. With ten pieces each, these blooms unite in a harmonious dance, their elegance heightened by adding five wheat stalks a single kamini bloom, a poetic accent, crowns the ensemble. Presented in a striking dark pink box, adorned with two oasis blocks and a ribbon that whispers both passion and tenderness, this bouquet is a tribute to the artistry of nature. It's not just a floral arrangement; it's a masterwork of beauty and grace.
FB43In a glorious arrangement, the jumelia roses, orange roses, alstroemeria, spray carnations, and mokara orchids converge, creating a captivating symphony of colors and allure. With ten pieces each, these blooms unite in a harmonious dance, their elegance heightened by adding five wheat stalks a single kamini bloom, a poetic accent, crowns the ensemble. Presented in a striking dark pink box, adorned with two oasis blocks and a ribbon that whispers both passion and tenderness, this bouquet is a tribute to the artistry of nature. It's not just a floral arrangement; it's a masterwork of beauty and grace.
Shop no 5, Nilgiri Apt, Opp Vanvihar Garden, Near Om Shanti Circle, Devidas Road, Borivali West Mumbai - MH email - [email protected]
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400091, IN
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