A shining display of nature's finest, this enchanting basket overflows with an exquisite ensemble. Three asiatic lilies, five celosia, eight purple dailies, five red daisies, ten green carnations, and five wheat stems create a captivating symphony of colours and textures. Amidst this floral symposium, five peach roses and two red anthuriums add elegance and intrigue. A veritable garden in a basket, this arrangement is a symbol of nature's colour palette, celebrating the boundless beauty it bestows upon us.
FB38A shining display of nature's finest, this enchanting basket overflows with an exquisite ensemble. Three asiatic lilies, five celosia, eight purple dailies, five red daisies, ten green carnations, and five wheat stems create a captivating symphony of colours and textures. Amidst this floral symposium, five peach roses and two red anthuriums add elegance and intrigue. A veritable garden in a basket, this arrangement is a symbol of nature's colour palette, celebrating the boundless beauty it bestows upon us.
Shop no 5, Nilgiri Apt, Opp Vanvihar Garden, Near Om Shanti Circle, Devidas Road, Borivali West Mumbai - MH email - [email protected]
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400091, IN
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